ACLP Op-Ed in the Buffalo News


Michael Santorelli


April 18, 2024

The ACLP has published an op-ed in the Buffalo News regarding the New York State Municipal Infrastructure Program (MIP). The op-ed urges the NY legislature and governor to adopt a budget amendment that would clarify that MIP funds must only be spent on supporting broadband deployment in unserved and underserved areas. The op-ed builds upon testimony that the ACLP provided to the NY legislature in January on this issue, as well as a letter that it submitted to legislative leaders.

The ACLP was also recently a guest on The Capitol Pressroom, a podcast focused on NYS politics. The show focused on municipal broadband efforts in New York State.

Unfortunately, the legislature and governor failed to act in the way recommended by the ACLP. Some have celebrated this decision as a win for municipalities. In reality, using the MIP to support overbuilding in served areas may mean that some parts of New York State remain without any access, even after the state allocated $715M in BEAD funding.

Michael Santorelli is the Director of the ACLP.