Unpacking Approved BEAD Volume 2s: Wisconsin


Michael Santorelli


August 8, 2024

NTIA recently approved Wisconsin’s Initial Proposal Volume 2. The ACLP compared the final version with the pre-comment draft the state released last fall. A redlined comparison is available here. The following changes were evident:

Subgrantee Selection Process

Released Enforceable Funding Commitments

If a prospective subgrantee defaulted on a previous funding commitment (e.g., RDOF) as of March 2024, then that entity “may only be awarded BEAD funding for that BSL if it is the only eligible participant with a qualified application for reliable broadband service for the location.”

Scoring – Minimal BEAD Outlay

The state clarified that it “reserves the right…to update its scoring range for the cost model [component of this category] to reflect actual construction costs as shown in the distribution of project proposals received.” Otherwise, the original scoring approach remains unchanged.

Scoring – Affordability

The state reduced the number of points in this category from 23 to 18. In addition, the state increased the reference price for gig service from $100/month to $165/month.

Scoring – Fair Labor Standards

The state increased the number of points available in this category from 12 to 17 but will allocate them in a similar manner (i.e., across two sub-categories focused on past compliance and plans for future compliance).

Low-Cost Option

The state revised the parameters of the low-cost option, aligning it with NTIA guidance. In particular, it set the price-point at $40/month but maintained the availability of a waiver to set a higher price upon a showing that “the requested price is affordable to the eligible population in the locations where BEAD funding constructs new or improved broadband.”