Unpacking Approved BEAD Volume 2s: Maine


Michael Santorelli


June 20, 2024

NTIA recently approved Maine’s BEAD Initial Proposal Volume 2 (V2). The ACLP has compared the final version with the “cured” version that the state released in March. A redlined version is available here. The following identifies changes made to the state’s V2 ahead of NTIA’s approval:

Subgrantee Selection Process

Scoring – Minimal Bead Outlay

Over the course of several iterations of V2, the state increased the number of points available in this category from 35pts to 40pts. The manner in which the state will allocate those points (i.e., comparing proposals to a reference price for the PA) has not changed.

Scoring – Affordability

Over the course of several iterations of V2, the state decreased the number of points available in this category from 30pts to 25pts. In the final V2, the state increased the pricing benchmark for 1/1 Gbps service from $70/month to $90/month. However, full points will be awarded to applications that commit to providing symmetrical gig service for $65/month, which is $5/month less than the benchmark in previous drafts of V2.

Scoring – Fair Labor Standards

As in many other states, Maine provided additional details about how new entrants can earn points for providing a plan for committing to future compliance with labor laws. In addition, the state edited the list of 10 commitments for which applicants can receive 1pt for each element. In particular, the state removed 2 elements – “evidence the entity offers opportunities for full-time employees to participate in offerings such as 401k matching program…” and “third-party certification in compliance with [ESG] standards…” – leaving 8 on the list.

Scoring – Speed to Deployment

Over the course of several iterations of V2, the state adjusted the number of points available in this category several times, first raising it from 4pts to 6pts, and now, the final V2, reducing it to 3pts. Max points will go to projects completed in less than 24 months.

Scoring – Open Access

The state initially proposed awarding 1pt for open access commitments but then removed it from the version it submitted to NTIA for review. However, over the course of curing, the state added open access back into its rubric and increased the number of available points to 3.

Low-Cost Option

The state has made several changes to the option. These include:

  • Increasing the length of time that the option must be offered from 5 years to 10 years.
  • Clarifying that the option must be offered post-ACP.
  • Ability to adjust the option price each year consistent with inflation.
  • Availability of a waiver to increase the option price to $65/month with evidence demonstrating that the $30/month price-point is not financially sustainable.