Unpacking Approved BEAD Volume 2s: Alabama


Michael Santorelli


November 12, 2024

NTIA recently approved Alabama’s Initial Proposal Volume 2. The ACLP compared the final version with the pre-comment draft released by the state last year (it did not post online the version submitted to NTIA). A redlined comparison is available here. The following changes were evident:

Subgrantee Selection Process

Scoring – Minimal BEAD Outlay

The state has adjusted how it will allocate points in this category. Up to 30pts will be allocated based on the amount of BEAD funds requested relative to the state’s cost benchmark. The remaining 10pts will be awarded based on the matching amount, with full points going to applicants that offer a match of at least 50%.

Scoring – Affordability

The state will award 20pts to applicants that commit to (1) offering symmetrical gig service at $70/month or less and (2) not pricing symmetrical gig service in BEAD areas above the average cost of the same service elsewhere in the state. The $70/month threshold is a new addition to the V2.

Scoring – Fair Labor Practices

The state clarified that it will award 3pts each across 5 sub-categories: (1) a demonstrated history of compliance with federal labor laws; (2) demonstrated commitments to future compliance with federal labor laws; (3) the quality and contents of labor practice- related items submitted during the Prequalification Phase; (4) demonstrated commitment to use of local hire provisions; and (5) demonstrated commitment to use an appropriately credentialed workforce.

Scoring – Secondary Criteria

These remained virtually unchanged from the initial draft V2.

Low-Cost Option

The state maintained its $70/month price-point for the option but will allow ISPs to seek waivers to increase the price up to $85/month upon a showing that the lower price-point is not sustainable.

The state also maintained its scoring incentive (of 4pts) for applicants who commit to offering a lower-cost $30/month option for qualifying households. Alabama is one of several states (including MA, MD, NV, OK, WA, and WI) that offers such an incentive to applicants.