BEAD Volume 1 – Trends & Observations


Michael Santorelli


June 4, 2024

Late last week, NTIA indicated that, after long last, it had finally approved the last 3 BEAD Volume 1s (V1), endorsing plans submitted by Florida, Maryland, and Minnesota. This occurred a little over a year after Louisiana became the first state to release a draft of its Volume 1. BEAD V1s detail how a state will administer its Challenge Process (CP). In theory, the CP will refine the FCC broadband availability data and yield more granular state maps that precisely identify all BEAD-eligible locations (i.e., those that remain unserved or that are considered underserved).

Via BBE, the ACLP at New York Law School has been closely tracking each iteration of Volumes 1 and 2 issued by the 50 states. Each Volume has benefited from public input and NTIA feedback. In most cases, states have traded updated drafts with NTIA to “cure” issues and shortcomings in these proposals. Volumes that have passed muster have been formally approved by NTIA. Receiving approval of a V1 allows states to launch their CPs; approval of Volume 2 (V2) permits states to launch their BEAD grant programs, which must be wrapped up within 1 year.